Infinite Patience

Infinite Patience

Aug 10, 2024

Recently, I was listening to the audiobook The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer, the late American self-help author and motivational speaker.

In his audiobook (pleasantly narrated in his voice), Dr. Dyer references "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM), released in 1975 and authored by Drs. Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford. ACIM coins a term called "infinite patience." More specifically, the program states that infinite patience leads to immediate results. Wow! This quote makes you think deeper.

What does it mean to have infinite patience? After all, we will not live forever.

As I reflected on this quote, I received a much deeper download and wanted to add more detail to the meaning. Being infinitely patient is another way to trust when you cannot see what the future will bring and to become in alignment with your past. I believe infinite patience removes resistance. This state of living is when you fully accept yourself and your past. When you fully accept your past, you create alignment in the present moment. When you align with the present moment and your current stage of life, you are on the threshold of unlimited possibilities. You begin to live your destiny now. And what seemed delayed begins to flow.

In essence, you avoid getting in your way. Inner conflicts melt away. You have a deep perspective that tells you everything in your life has served you to bring you to this very point in time. Infinite patience removes the blocks and creates presence.

The transcendent poet Rumi once uttered:

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing

and right-doing, there is a field.

I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass

the world is too full to talk about.

What you seek, is seeking you.”

When you remove the harsh judgment on yourself and others, you open the connection to attract all things ordained for you. As miracles begin to flow in your life, you will marvel at the rapidity of this process.

If this seems daunting, begin by being present. Breathe deeper. Be still. Allow. Your intuition will speak and direct you.