The Sanguine Sun's Rays

The Sanguine Sun's Rays

Jan 30, 2025

Clouds o'er head
Smothering the sun
Sombering my mood
On this washed-out gray day
Reflections repeat
Contemplation replaces connection
Precious moment
Replaced by what's unright in my life
In a trice,
Sanguine Sun's Rays
Cut through the massive dense clouds on the horizon's edge
Burning away peripheral unpleasing thoughts
The Sanguine Sun's Rays
Burst through my consciousness
Permeating my being
Optimism activates
No reasoning required
The Sanguine Sun is reason enough
Clouds dissipate open
Full Sanguine Sun revealed
Somber mood forgotten
The Late Day Sanguine Sun
Refreshes my soul

This poem was based on my experience on January 13, 2025. This was the day of the January full moon. As I ventured through my day this experience unfolded. This experience unfolded over 24 hours. When I woke up the next day, I saw the Early Morning Looming Full Moon, the title of my next blog.

Image: While this image doesn't resemble the open landscape I normally like to snap, it is what took place. I stopped at Staples to get something printed and this blazing light came through the store windows instantly interrupting my thinking. I immediately ran out of the store as onlookers wondered what I was doing. I was able to snap this photo before the sun descended.



marked by eager hopefulness : confidently optimistic